Sexuality Education

Sexuality Education and Counseling Services (SECS) offers innovative educational workshop and training experiences using a holistic approach which aims to empower individuals, families, and communities to make mindful and healthy decisions about relationships and sexual health.

Workshops and Programing
SECS provides the skills and resources needed to attain balance and wellness essential to the personal growth and development of the whole person. The building blocks of a sexually healthy adult begin during infancy and spans throughout life and are nurtured by having access to medically accurate, age-appropriate and real, comprehensive sexuality education. SECS helps people of all ages discover how sexuality is a vital part of being human throughout the lifespan and how it molds who we are.

Professional Training
For Educators​​​
We understand the magnitude of ensuring that teachers, administrators and health professionals are comfortable communicating about sexuality and are confident providing factual and meaningful answers.
Educators can help foster their student's growth by providing influential teachable moments in a non-judgmental and secure setting so that our youth can learn about sexuality in a positive and healthy way.
For Schools & Organizations
We are available to work with your school or organization to:
Increase your comfort level with talking about sexuality
Facilitate youth development workshops
Create a Peer Education and Training program
Provide technical assistance and consulting to create a new sexuality education program or assess and revitalize an existing curriculum to make it more comprehensive
Develop a staff training manual and facilitate professional development sessions
Advocate for comprehensive, medically accurate sexuality education
Implement our Parent Empowerment Program, PEP Talks, as an on-going program or as one workshop either with or without their children
Professional Trainings can be facilitated on a range of topics