
HypnoBirthing® is as much a philosophy as it is a technique that introduces hypnosis, a naturally induced state of relaxed concentration in which we communicate suggestions to our subconscious mind. This part of our mind influences what we think, how we feel and the choices we make. Almost anyone who chooses tocan reach deep relaxation and redirect their focus. Birthing becomes a calm, relaxed experience, without the fear and tension that cause pain. The body’s natural anaesthesia (endorphins) will replace the stress hormones that create pain, and when it’s time for baby to be born, the mama is empowered, confident and peaceful.
What we teach week by week
Session 1: Building A Positive Expectancy
Session 2: Falling in Love with Your Baby/Preparing Mind & Body
Session 3: Getting Ready to Welcome your Baby
Session 4: Overview of Childbirth—A Labor of Love
Session 5: Birthing—Breathing Love, Bringing Life
How do we do this?
We discuss:
•Breathing techniques that quickly create a state of relaxation and comfort;
•Positions and techniques to bring about a deeper level of relaxation;
•Visualizations to make birthing easier;•Methods to bring about a natural start to labor;
•What to expect during the last few weeks, at the onset and during labor and how the body will work with you;
•How to clear anxieties, limiting beliefs or fear surrounding birth;
•How the birth companion can help and be a real part of the birth; and more….
Please accept our invitation to introduce you to this empowering prenatal course. You will discover it is not just about birth; it is a life experience.
Our HypnoBirthing Class series includes:
Your own copy of the 302-page book, HypnoBirthing– The Mongan Method.
5 information-packed class meetings, helping you to understand why labor is manageable.
Professionally written scripts for your home practice.
2 audio downloads for your relaxation, stress reduction, and bonding (Including the program cornerstone disk, Rainbow Relaxation).
Handouts for planning your Birth Preferences.
A set of Birth Prompts for your birth Companion.
Demonstration and practice in optimal birth positions.
A hypnotic session on building birth confidence and eliminating fears.
A guide to good pregnancy nutrition.
Several deep relaxation techniques for use during birthing, plus well-paced instruction designed to build your confidence and help you to have a safer, easier, and more comfortable birthing.
Special calm breathing methods for use throughout labor and during birthing.
Private instruction if desired.
Small classes for personal attention.
Body toning exercises and practice.
The advantage and confidence of the Mongan Method reputation for top-quality birthing preparation.
Plus our new bound workbook!
We would welcome the opportunity to discuss the HypnoBirthing®Program with you, and how we can work together to further benefit your families.