Yoga Ed.
Yoga Ed.™. Pre-K - 12 programs are comprehensive, theme-based curricula that lay a foundation for lifetime wellness by focusing on health and life skills. The Yoga Ed.™ program is a nationally recognized, cost-effective health and fitness program for schools that fulfills the National Challenge PE standards.
Through the Yoga Ed.™ curriculum, yoga is integrated into an educational setting infusing traditional self-esteem and relationship building exercises to give students a truly holistic experience. Incorporating Yoga Ed.™ into your curriculum will give your students a true advantage for success improving their academic achievement, physical fitness, emotional intelligence and stress management. All of these skills and a new found sense of self will enable them to make healthier decisions and lower their chances of engaging in risky behaviors. The cultivation of this kind of personal awareness deepens one's relationship to and respect for oneself and others.
Yoga Ed.™ tools can be incorporated into any SECS workshop or program and also can be offered to professionals and parents. Visit our Professionals Training page for more information about Tools for Teachers. For more information visit Yoga Ed.™ http://www.yogaed.com/